Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Gift of Healing ~ A Gift for All? ~ Guest Blogging Day

When Jesus had called the Twelve together,
he gave them the power and authority to drive out all demons
and to cure diseases, 
and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God 
and to heal the sick... Luke 9:1-2 NIV

There it is. Jesus sending out his disciples to proclaim the Kingdom and to heal the sick.

This was not long after he had first chosen his disciples either. They were still pretty rough around the edges.

But, do WE still have the power to heal? Is that just an old "gift" from the days when Jesus was walking the earth and after his death and resurrection to try to garner more followers?I believe we DO still have the power to heal, and I believe we DO all get called to that privilege as disciples of Christ.

Call me a Jesus Freak...but, I do.Back in 2004, my daughter wasn't even 6 months old and she was lying on a table waiting for her second eye surgery. She has glaucoma, and it was roaring like a lion from the time she was just a newborn.

I had my journal with me that day and had started to "prayer journal" the minute the team took her back to put her under. Here is what I wrote:

Continue Reading on Comfort in the Midst of Chaos...

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