Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hark! My Christmas Letter

Photo Courtesy of Sarah Whelchel

By now our family Christmas cards are reaching their addressed destinations, and, for another year I found myself unable to write a Christmas letter that sat well enough in my heart to be included.

What did I write about before?
Why can't I bring myself to write something which sums up our year and shares our lives?
How can someone who has so much to say (LOL) find no way to say it?

In recent years, when I try to compose such a letter, the words feel trite, or boastful, or redundant. So, I just stopped sending letters, and resolved to send a photo card with a Christmas greeting in hopes that it would be enough.

But today, I found myself filled with a message that I needed to share. The message started with a few lines in a very well known Christmas Carol, "Hark!" the Herald Angels Sing:

Mild he lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die:
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new-born King !"

In the form of an; the God of our Creation laid aside His due glory and came to earth. 
He came so that He could that WE no longer would have to suffer that same type of death...
He came for US, the sons of earth...He, the one true GOD, came so that we may be born again in his SPIRIT. 
He came so that we could be free from our bondage to sin over and over an over again...He came so we could be made holy and have a close, personal relationship with Him. 

Hark! Listen! PAY ATTENTION!     

In the Old Testament, God resided in one place...the Holy of Holies ... and ONLY the most High Priest could even approach Him! But NOW...because of Christmas, because of Easter...because of BIRTH, DEATH, RESURRECTION and ASCENSION... we have GOD with us every minute of every day...COMPLETELY accessible as a HOLY GHOST. 

AMAZING...He is always with us.
SCARY...He is always with us. 
OVERWHELMING...He is always with us. 

So, THIS is my Christmas letter...because what WE did this year is nothing compared to what HE did this year.

Oh, how He loves us.

Merry Christmas!!! 

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