From Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest "One of the great snares of the Christian worker is to make a fetish of his rare moments. When the Spirit of God gives you a time of inspiration and insight, you say~Now I will always be like this for God." He goes on to write, "If you make a god of your best moments, you will find that God will fade out of your life and never come back until you do the duty that lies nearest, and have learned not to make a fetish of your rare moments."
I can easily say that I have a tendency to have my points of inspiration as well as my points of spiritual desolation. I take those rare moments of inspiration and I try to wring them for all they hold so I can keep that inspiration going through good times and bad.
When asked in an interview about being the mom of a child with special needs, "How do you do it?" I responded, "I have to choose to start each day inspired or depressed..." Now I look back and think, "Do I have to be so extreme?" Can I just "be" and let God do the rest? Do I have to have a mountain to climb in order to be inspired~or can I just be content to have an uneventful period in my life?
If I "make a god of my best moments" and I worship those momentous events~then my focus is no longer on God, it is on the event. My focus is no longer on running the race and finishing the race, it is on finishing with flair and fanfare.
"Be instant in season, out of season" 2 Timothy 4:2 tells me that I should be right there for God whether I feel winter, or summer~that I can't just be "His Girl" when all the conditions meet my requirement for inspiration. I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other whether inspired or not. God WILL WORK in all seasons of my life!!!
So, tonight, I lift my cup to God and I say, "Father, help me to be annointed for YOU and by YOU in all seasons of my life~whether summer, fall, winter or spring...I need to bloom where you have planted me! God, continue to prune me...cut me back down to size so I can grow even larger next I can harness that energy within and really "leap" next season. Cheers,'s to another season...
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