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Arrow points to the first leaf that bloomed after getting it home. |
My Cup Lifted
It's about my faith, my family, and how it all works together by the grace of God to carry us through this life.
Friday, March 17, 2023
The Parable of the Fiddle Fig Plant in My House
Sunday, February 26, 2023
A Glimpse of the Kingdom
You see, in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, he says that the FIRST on earth will be LAST in Heaven, and those who are WEAK on earth will be STRONG in His Kingdom.
But those things stand in opposition to God, because they take our attention off God and satisfy only our flesh, and only for a moment.
My daughter in particular was taking an acting class that included a play; required reading, which regularly used the "R" word (retarded, a derogatory slur used to describe those with disabilities, or used as a way to "put down" someone who may not have a disability, but is used as a way to hurt them).
BUT, rather than dwelling on the difficulties faced in the special needs/disability community, let me go back to the JOY of Night to Shine.
Jesus's Sermon on the Mount has offended some people, terrified many, and sent potential believers into tail spins because of its doctrine of seemingly impossible perfection. Love your enemies, turn the other cheek; it all seems unachievable to this flawed human race.
However, when you look at an event like Night to Shine, you start to realize that what is described in the Beatitudes is actually a picture of Heaven; where all that is upside down in this world gets flipped and becomes right side up again.
Where my daughter can see.
Where my daughter can run.
Where my daughter can speak without stuttering.
Where my daughter won't have PTSD from her countless needle-pokes and surgeries as a young baby.
Heaven is where she will be a princess, daughter of a King. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
You see, the way that Night to Shine makes this happen is with limos, crowns and red carpets. With buddies or chaperones for every attendee so that they can automatically BELONG and be a part of the festivities. They don't need mom or dad to be their best friend, because they will have someone there who is already dedicated to caring for them and making sure their needs are met. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
The parents and caregivers also glimpse the Kingdom as they have a parent/caregiver respite room where they can relax, eat, commune with others who share the same triumphs and challenges and get to encourage one another. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
The volunteers, even THEY become a part of this developing snapshot of Heaven as they see a young man smile and hear his parents say, "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen him smile in so long." Or, when the parents drop off their adult daughter and say, "We don't know how this will go. We'll be right over there because she probably won't want to stay long." But, an hour and a half later that daughter is still dancing and singing on the dance floor. Yes, even the volunteers are blessed during this event as they serve because blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
The walls come down, and the fear fades like a firefly as dawn approaches.
Thank God, that in a world so focused on money, power and lust, we can catch a glimpse of generosity, mercy, and agape love.
That is a Kingdom truly worth aiming for. That is the God we choose to worship even when it becomes counter-cultural and unpopular.
The God who loves the lost.
The God who rescues the remnant.
The God who restores the broken-hearted.
...and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
and there will no longer be any death;
there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4 NASB
Sunday, November 13, 2022
The Day Evie's Homework Blew My Mind.
A few weeks ago Evie was listening to a podcast for a night class she is taking at the University. The podcast was a discussion about the 30th anniversary of the ADA (American's with Disabilities Act). In the discussion, Alice Wong, a disability activist, reflects on the fact that the LAW can only give us the "standard" but it doesn't REALLY change ANYTHING if people don't follow it.
Not only that, but if people just MEET the law, but go no further than what is recommended or required as the "bare minimum" to following the law, then we still don't see a truly inclusive day to day experience for people living with disabilities. After all, there's no ADA police...so the only way we know when the law is broken is when someone goes to the trouble of filing a lawsuit, and is that really how we want to go through life?
For example, when Evie and I walk around the University, for example, there is often only ONE accessible entrance, and it's often the back of the building, through a remote parking ramp, or next to a dumpster. Huh...is that equal access? Does that feel truly inclusive if you, as a person perhaps in a wheelchair, can't use the same door all your friends do?
Alice Wong then made a statement that resonated to my core, "ACCESSIBILITY IS LOVE."
I sucked in my breath and got teary eyed and said to Evie, "THAT IS THE GOSPEL!"
Evie said, "What?"
Accessibility is LOVE!
In the Old Testament we had "The Law." The Law that God gave us showed us the standard, showed us the WAY to righteousness...but it couldn't MAKE us righteous...it could only show us HOW to be righteous. And guess what? NO ONE can uphold the standard of the Law except God. So how can we ever have ACCESS to Him if we are always falling short?
Then came Jesus...and He gave us COMPLETE ACCESS to God through his sacrifice on the cross. He DID uphold the Law, and He DID meet the standard and then He took on our punishment for EVERY SINGLE way in which we fall short. He stands as our full access High Priest before God to attest that we are worthy and in a right relationship with Him.
So, our HEART condition, our LOVE is the true path to accessibility. We can advocate, we can legislate...but that only goes to changing the LAW, it doesn't create a HEART change in people. What our world needs is Jesus. Our world needs His UNFAILING LOVE. Our world needs His Full Access Pass so that we can be in right standing with our Holy, Righteous God.
Why? If He's so loving, why doesn't He just forgive us WITHOUT Jesus's death and resurrection?
Because what is JUST about that? What would be JUST about all of our sins going UNACCOUNTED for and just giving out all access passes to all of us? That wouldn't be what we want! Heaven would be HELL! There MUST be penalties for all broken laws or there is NO JUSTICE. I want to see people pay for their sins...but then that means I MUST PAY for MY sins.
Unless Jesus pays for them.
And He has...He already has, for all of us! But we need to accept that and turn to Him and say, "I can't do the rest of this without you, Jesus! Thank you for paying for my sins...come into my life and strengthen me through your Holy Spirit to live and walk with YOU through the rest of my life...I want FULL ACCESS to what You are offering! I will no longer be a slave to my sin, I will be a bondservant of the Living God, the one who paid my ransom."
Accessibility is Love. And God showed that love for the whole world when He sent His one and only Son, that Whoever will believe in HIM will not perish, but have LIFE ETERNAL.... full access forever and ever.
Monday, March 7, 2022
The Tears of Silent Sparrow
Evie and her instructor on the corner of a busy street. |
Today we had tears...lots of tears during our orientation and mobility lesson.
Evie's been using a cane since she was 3 years old. But that doesn't mean she "relied" on the cane, and that doesn't mean that she used it to independently navigate busy or dangerous terrain.
Now that we are looking at her starting college however, the game plan has changed and we need to change with it.
And it's scary.
And it HARD.
Nobody likes to see Evie cry...it's heartbreaking...it's like seeing a baby bird who is injured.
But tears are necessary because they reflect her realization that she can't fake her way through a lesson on her own positive attitude. No, sometimes it takes hard work, mind-bending work, gut-wrenching work.
On the corner of one of our busiest neighborhood streets we saw her reach her breaking point today. The realization that life isn't safe. The realization that cars, speed, and distractions can equal injury and harm. The realization that there are no promises and there aren't really any shortcuts to true independence.
It's terrifying as a parent of a child with disabilities to hear people speak so lightly of crosswalks, speed limits and handicap parking spots as if they shouldn't have to be bothered with these inconveniences because they are slowing them down or moving them further away from where they would like to be.
All we are looking for is a way to keep our loved ones safe!
Ultimately, though, I come back to one solution. My only solution.
The government cannot save us.
The money cannot save us.
The rules cannot save us.
The Law cannot save us.
Only God can save us.
If I look anywhere else for solace, safety or salvation, I will be disappointed.
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5
Hem her in, Lord. Hem in her in. Keep her safe in this crazy, broken world. Lay your hand upon her.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
If You Give a Kid a Cane...
So, you'll have a fun shopping trip before she flies off to DC.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Seek Him, Earnestly...
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Photo Courtesy of Ian Lindsay |
Father God, Sovereign LORD, Jehovah Rapha ~ You are the God who heals.
Only You can sustain us.
Only You can extend us.
Only You can strengthen us.
Only You can purify us.
Your mighty hand extends to all the corners of the earth.
Your presence is great and as deep as the darkest parts of the oceans.
Your majesty soars higher than the heavens.
Only You are creator.
Only You are defender.
Only You are redeemer.
Only You are healer.
Your angel armies swoop down and battle the darkness-
Enemies fall at the sound of the trumpets.
The oppressor,
His power cannot stand- He has no power in Your presence.
The enemy flees -
Your land is free - I'll proclaim it today and in all of my days.
You are God alone and Your Word can heal. Your Word can topple the enemy today.
For I will be like a lion to Ephraim and like a young lion in the house of Judah.
I, even I, will tear to pieces and go away, I will carry away and there will be none to deliver.
I will go away and return to my place until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face;
In their affliction will they earnestly seek me. Hosea 5: 14-15 NASB
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11: 6 NASB
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Communion ~ A Celebration in our Solitude, Solidarity, and Savior
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Photo credit: Dadion Gomez |
- I feel relief because it allows me (a long proclaimed hypochondriac and highly anxious individual) to stay "safe" in my home.
- I feel frustrated that I can't see our loving church family and friends as we look forward to doing every week.
- I feel perplexed at how we seem to have lost our right to gather and worship freely in a democratic society. (Please, this is not a political post, just an honest one about my mix of emotions).
So, last night, when we gathered as a family in front of our TV and streamed our worship service on-line, I was excited that our pastors had told us to prepare our own Communion elements before hand. Cool, breaking bread with the two most important people in my life...my husband and my daughter.
And, as Pastor Alex began speaking during our time of Communion, I instantly thought of how it was for the early church, and how it IS in SO MANY places around the globe...where Christians are persecuted for their beliefs and where they take Communion together despite the risk of imprisonment, torture and death.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I held the bread and juice tightly and I felt throughout my soul the deep longing to be taking the elements of Communion IN my church building WITH my church family. But we couldn't. We absolutely couldn't, and that was a feeling I had never experienced before.The persecution of Christianity still goes on every day too. It's not just "in the days of Nero" or in some distant past that we see depicted in etchings on cave walls. It is really happening now, every day, around the world. We see this is confirmed in recent studies, for example:
While alarming, the British study is not surprising. It affirms 10 years of Pew Research showing increasing governmental restrictions on religious activity worldwide. The latest Pew report indicated that Christian groups were harassed in 144 nations in 2016, up from 128 the year before, with China leading the world in government-sponsored restrictions on religious exercise. Muslims were second most targeted, persecuted in 142 countries. ~ Journal Review, 12/6/2019This is why I'm praying Psalm 91 daily for our family, for our community, and for our world. This virus is not "just a virus." This virus is the just one more attack from our real enemy. My husband and I were watching the second movie in the Hunger Games, and there was a line "Remember who the real enemy is."
So true.
The "real enemy" is not the person hoarding toilet paper, nor the person who makes the declaration that we need to close non-essential businesses. The "real enemy" is the opposer, Satan, who opposes freedom and wants us bound in slavery to him. He loves to see us separated from each other, he loves to see us bickering over who is at fault and who should have done what to prevent this from happening. Let's not give him a foothold with our anger and fear.
Let's celebrate our victory through our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let's celebrate that we can still break bread and still worship God. Let's pray for healing and peace and celebrate the victory we have over death in Jesus's victory over the grave.
God, have mercy over all the earth and all its inhabitants. We are a desperate people and we need your healing to be poured out upon us. You are God, Most High, and we humble ourselves before you and plead your wisdom, healing and peace cover us today. Amen.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm 91: 1-2 NKJV
Friday, March 20, 2020
Is This Our Year of Jubilee?
Father God, I praise You for the sunshine and I praise You for the rain. You are the Beginning and the End. No other God before You and none after You.
You are LORD of all Creation and You are LORD over all.
We continue to question and wonder and search for answers during this time of trial over our world. God, may we all earnestly seek YOU...for we are told in the book of Hebrews that we must believe in You and in earnestly seeking You we will see our reward.
So, what is Your word for me today? You bring the word JUBILEE.
I can hear the song in my head:
"Behold, He comes, riding on the clouds,And what is that time, God? Jubilee is a time to show our faith in You, and rest in You, and allow our storehouses to be depleted as we live off of all the abundance and excess that You have provided us in years past.
Shining like the sun, at the trumpet call,
Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,
Out of Zion's hill salvation comes." The Days of Elijah by Robin Mark
God, I have often marveled at the idea of the year of jubilee. I have often asked, "How can we get one of those?"
We live in a world of go, go, go, and busy-ness and excess and distractions. But now, God, now that has been stripped from many of us and we feel anxious and baffled and lost.
So, God, my prayer is for us to settle into our jubilee. My prayer is that we will see Your steadfast love and provision as we are required to "be still". Today, I turn off my TV and I turn to Your Book and I look for You and wonder at Your amazing character.
As I have learned, Father God, the year of jubilee was a time to celebrate and reclaim our personal liberty in the freedom we have found from our sinful character. We look to You and ask You to dig out our sinfulness and restore our hearts anew with the fruits of the Spirit.
I also have learned that the year of jubilee was a time to restore true prices on property. Oh, God, how we need this in our world. In particular I know we need more affordable housing in our very city and surrounding cities. Perhaps this is Your appointing for how this will be done. I do not know the answers, but suddenly I see some clarity in the "reset". Because, what is OUR property? Does it not all come from You?
Finally, I see how the year of jubilee is a time to live the simple life. I'm starting to value things that I never held of value before. I'm saving that little bit of soap left in the bottom of the container. I'm snacking less because I don't know how long to make it last. I'm reusing the tin foil that I cover baking dishes with. God, I will praise You in this time of questions and uncertainty for I know You work ALL things for the good of those who love You. Romans 8:28
God, do all things line up and point to this quarantine as being the year of jubilee? Probably not. But is this where You are turning my eyes today? Yes. You have reminded me through song, and Word that at a point in time in our world's history, they took an ENTIRE YEAR off from sowing and reaping to REST in You.
Would this have been our choice had we not been forced into this? No. Did any of us see it coming and were we all prepared? No. Let us learn from this. Let us see that our security lies not in our cars, nor our homes, nor our money. We have no guarantees in this life. No one true thing other than You, God.
Have mercy on us today. May today be another giant LEAP forward in the solution to this crisis. Give wisdom and strength to those serving in our medical, scientific, political and emergency-driven industries. We need these people strong and healthy and wise and level-headed, and we need Your healing and provision.
In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen
Thursday, December 19, 2019
They Weren't My Words Anyway
You see, I once did a lot of guest blogging for a special needs ministry blog. And often, I would connect my stories to my personal blog here because they were our stories; the stories of my family, and how our faith grew or was shaped through our journey.
I never kept hard copies of what I wrote because to me, "it would always be on the internet."
Now, however, my personal blog here has a number of posts that are from those "guest blogging days" and give you a taste of what my post was about, but then contain a link that goes NOWHERE. Literally, it takes you to a FORBIDDEN page.
I felt quite melancholy when I realized this. My stories were gone. None of them have "an end." It's as if you start a tv show and only get 1/3 of the way through every single episode!
But God quickly put my feelings in check. He reminded me that everything around us is temporary and that it all belongs TO HIM.
Every sunrise, every stream, every mountain.If it were God's will for those words I wrote to still be found, He would make them findable. If God has a new story He wants me to tell, He will have me write it. If God meant for those stories I typed to be for one special period in time, then that is where they are and that is where they'll stay.
Every heartbreak, every fever, every tear.
Every word, every breath, every step.
Because, as much as I'd like to claim ownership of those words and rights to those stories, the fact of the matter is, they weren't my words anyway. They belonged to God.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Long lay the world...Until
So, I was pretty much a blubbering mess today during worship (thankfully I was in the congregation and NOT up on the stage). I wanted to share just what was so special about our worship today that it caused me to weep more than sing.
It started with “Oh, Holy Night.” The words: Long lay the world in sin and error pining, ‘til He appeared and the soul felt its worth struck me today as never before. Having just completed an in depth study of Hosea and Amos, LONG LAY THE WORLD became suddenly ALIVE to me. In Hosea 10: 13-15, for example, we read:
God said, “Because of your great wickedness...you will be completely cut off.”
And thus begins, “Long lay the world in sin and error pining, UNTIL HE APPEARS!!!”
Yes, the long-awaited, long-hoped for MESSIAH. The only one who can make us, in our sinful, self-serving humanity, WORTHY of an inheritance in the kingdom of God.
So, this is how I came to feel a little emotional during worship. Then the bottom fell out of my tenuous control of my tears when we reached the closing song and it was a medley of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and “Tremble”????!!!!
That’s it. I’m done. Are you kidding me? Can.not.stop.the.tears.
Because here’s where Israel was headed, and where we all are headed without God:
But here’s where the appearance of Jesus takes us:
We were the enemy. We were “without an escape.” Until the Son of God appeared (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel). Til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth (O, Holy Night.).
Now THAT is reason to rejoice.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
This Sunday Morning.
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Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Word Woven into the Code
Evie interlining her Braille assignment. |
Just last weekend I attended a breakout session at my church for volunteers to help re-fuel us and our "servant-hearts". During the break out session, I learned about the impact the translation of the Bible into English had on literacy rates. According to the Washington Times:
...in a period of 100 years reading and writing English among males in England went from about 5 percent of the population to 25% eventually reaching 40% of the population. By 1770, shopkeepers were 95% literate. Literacy in England is directly attributable to the Bible. (Creason, Washington Times, 12/11/14).
My Oversized Poster of Strong Groupsigns |
Fast forward a few days to today, and my daughter and I working on her Braille lesson. She was brailling Psalm 27: 1-2 which is part of our scripture memorization. As she was doing this, she recognized that she was making mistakes and wanted to fix them. I told her to just keep going and that she could interline her work (print the translation above the brailled symbols) after she was finished, and then we would make corrections the next day.
While she was working on her Braille, I was also working on mine. I was using large paper to create giant posters with CONTRACTED Braille on them so we could continue learning where she left off last year. (She was in public school, but we started homeschooling just this fall). As I was preparing a poster and reading through the various contractions, I started to take note of some unique words that I had no IDEA would be a part of the contracted Braille code.
Of all the words that could have been transferred into a shortened code in order to make Braille easier to read for its audience...these were worthy enough to be part of that pool.lordspiritworldrejoicerejoicingcharacteroughtknowledgeshallthyself
These beautifully Biblical words were suddenly a part of our lesson plan.
Evie's Braille assignment with interlining notes, corrections she made, and new contractions for her to work on as she continues to practice brailling Psalm 27: 1-2 |
I was flabbergasted...I was moved almost to a point of tears as I felt relief wash over me. One of the toughest parts of the decision to homeschool my daughter was knowing that we were not going to have access to Braille lessons in the district anymore and I would be responsible for continuing her Braille literacy. I didn't know quite where to begin-but something in my gut today said, "Tammie, just have her start with something she knows...her memory verses."
We will begin to learn those contractions because they will occur over and over again in the scripture that we will be proclaiming in thought, word, deed...and now in Braille. For sure, God's plan is always better than my plan, and His word is a light unto my path.